Effect of Processing on Fumonisin Content of Corn

Fumonisins (FBs) are a family of mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum, predominant corn pathogens, and are found in most corn-containing foods. The FBs are heat stable, resistant to ammoniation, and unlike most mycotoxins, are water-soluble. The levels in corn and corn-containing foods will be presented ranging from 2 ppm. Washing of contaminated FB-corn with water did not reduce the measured FB levels of significantly. The traditional processing step to make tortilla flour, nixtamalization [Ca(OH)2 cooking] to produce masa, reduced FB levels but produced hydrolyzed FB which was almost as toxic as FB. Retorting sweet corn in brine apparently produced hydrolyzed FB. Fermentation of corn to ethanol did not alter FB levels but distillation yielded FB-free ethanol. Attempts to enzymatically modify FB with several enzymes were unsuccessful. Reactions between FB and reducing sugars (glucose or fructose) to produce Schiff’s bases yielded products that were not toxic. The effects of these processing treatments must be evaluated both chemically and biologically.

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