The transport coefficients of shear viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion, and mutual diffusion are estimated for a binary, equimolar mixture of hard spheres having a diameter ratio of 0.4 and a mass ratio of 0.03 at volumes of 5V0, 10V0, and 20V0 (where V0=1/2 √2 N tsuma xa σa3, xa are mole fractions, σa are diameters, and N is the number of particles) through Monte Carlo, molecular-dynamics calculations using the Green-Kubo formulas. Calculations are reported for as few as 108 and as many as 4000 particles, but not for each value of the volume. Both finite-system and long-time-tail corrections are applied to obtain estimates of the transport coefficients in the thermodynamic limit; corrections of both types are found to be small. The results are compared with the predictions of the revised Enskog theory and the linear density corrections to that theory are reported. The mean free time is also computed as a function of density and the linear and quadratic corrections to the Boltzmann theory are estimated. The mean free time is also compared with the expression from the Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland equation of state.