Rotational bands in odd-oddRe182

Rotational bands in the odd-odd nucleus, Re182, have been studied via the Ta181(α,3nγ)Re182, W182(p,nγ)Re182, and W184(p,3nγ)Re182 reactions, using Ge γ-ray detectors in a variety of singles, coincidence, delayed coincidence, and angular distribution experiments. Four rotational bands were characterized extensively: 7+{π52+[402]ν92+[624]}, triplet coupling (64h Reg182) to J=16; 2+, singlet coupling (12.7h Rem182), to J=12; 9{π92[514]ν92+[624]}, triplet band head (t12=6±2 ns) at 443.1 keV, to J=15; and 4{π12[541]ν92+[624]}, triplet band head (t12=780±90 ns) at 461.3 keV above Rem182. All four bands are highly distorted from Coriolis effects. gK and gR were deduced and agree with the assigned configurations. A four-quasiparticle isomer (t12=88±8 ns) was located at 2256.3 keV and is characterized as an oblate girdle about the basic prolate core.