Distribution of Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Viral Antigens in the Central Nervous System of Cattle with Various Congenital Manifestations*

Distribution of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) antigens in the central nervous system (CNS) of 26 cattle persistently BVDV infected, 11 cattle with mucosal disease (MD), and 32 calves with congenital brain malformations was studied using monoclonal antibodies against BVDV epitopes. In persistently infected cattle and in cattle with MD, a widespread infection of neurons was present. Predilection sites for BVDV antigens were the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. In calves with congenital encephalopathies, viral antigen-containing neurons could only be detected in the CNS of four animals. From the topographical distribution of BVDV antigens in these four postnatal cases with end-stage lesions, no conclusions could be drawn concerning the pathogenesis of BVDV-induced encephalopathies.