Quasiparticle states in the fractional quantum Hall effect

We propose new trial wave functions for the quasielectron and quasihole states relevant to the fractional quantum Hall effect. The wave functions have the virtue that their charge densities and pair distribution functions can be simply expressed in terms of the distribution functions for the uniform-density ground state. The quasielectron and quasihole energies at the ν=(1/3) quantized Hall state are ε̃+=0.085 and ε̃=0.0287, respectively. For ν=(1/5) we obtain ε̃+=0.022 and ε̃=0.0089. Comparisons are made with other proposed trial wave functions for the quasiparticle states and with existing estimates of their densities and energies. Estimates are also given of quasielectron and quasihole energies in higher-orbital Landau levels which suggest that the relative strengths of the effect at different fractional fillings may be strongly Landau-level dependent.