Teeth of fetuses of a caecilian, Dermophis mexicanus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), show ontogenetic variation in crown structure from small, multidenticulate, and non-pedicellate to larger, spoon-shaped, pedicellate teeth with a single apical spike. Number of denticles decreases as enamel-secreting cells mature. Numbers of teeth and of tooth rows increase ontogenetically. A fetal vomeropalatine set of teeth is present in D. mexicanus but absent in species previously examined. Teeth transitional to the adult shape and arrangement appear shortly before birth. The transition is correlated with birth, not fetal size. There is relatively little increase in numbers of teeth during the juvenile period. The pattern of development does not fully agree with either morphogenetic field theory or with clone theory, both as defined by Osborn ('78). Sequence of initiation is appropriate to either. Tooth shape changes agree with aspects of clone theory. Multiple rows of fetal teeth and the transition to adult follow field theory. Clone theory holds that patterns of development and shape are self-regulated, field theory that they are controlled extrinsically. I suggest that substances regulating differentiation mediate early development, and hormones later development, including inception of adult teeth, and are comparable to “field substances” influencing primordia that originate according to clone theory. Components of both theories are appropriate to analyzing tooth development phenomena.