Methods To Alter the Recovery and Nodule Location of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Inoculant Strains on Field-Grown Soybeans

Three strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, I17, 110, and 61A76, were evaluated for their ability to form nodules on field-grown soybeans in soil with a highly competitive indigenous B. japonicum population. The predominant indigenous strain, 0336, in the field site used was unlike the more common isolates from Midwestern soils which belong to the 123 or 138 serogroups. This strain persisted in the soil for at least 30 years without any soybean crops. The three inoculant strains differed in their ability to compete with indigenous strains for nodule formation. Four different inoculation treatments were tested in three adjacent fields. When the amount of inoculum was increased, a higher proportion of nodules contained the inoculant strain. The most competitive inoculant strain was I17, a recent field isolate. Strain 61A76 was better than 110. There was no difference in recovery of the inoculant strains on the Hodgson or Corsoy soybean cultivars, nor was there a difference in recovery of the inoculant strains during the growing season. The vertical distribution of nodules containing the inoculant strains was affected by the method of adding the inoculant to the soil. Inoculant added to the seed furrow produced nodules mainly in the top region of the soybean root. Inoculant tilled into the soil produced nodules primarily in the bottom part of the root. The nodules that were produced in the bottom part of the root are younger and may contribute significant amounts of fixed nitrogen to the soybean during seed formation.