Right Isomerism of the Brain in Inversus Viscerum Mutant Mice

Left-right (L-R) asymmetry is a fundamental feature of higher-order neural function. However, the molecular basis of brain asymmetry remains unclear. We recently reported L-R asymmetry of hippocampal circuitry caused by differential allocation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunit GluRε2 (NR2B) in hippocampal synapses. Using electrophysiology and immunocytochemistry, here we analyzed the hippocampal circuitry of the inversus viscerum (iv) mouse that has a randomized laterality of internal organs. The iv mouse hippocampus lacks L-R asymmetry, it exhibits right isomerism in the synaptic distribution of the ε2 subunit, irrespective of the laterality of visceral organs. This independent right isomerism of the hippocampus is the first evidence that a distinct mechanism downstream of the iv mutation generates brain asymmetry.