Hematopoietic CFU in mice infected by the polycythemia‐inducing friend virus. I. number of CFU, and differentiation pattern in the spleen colonies

The number of colony‐forming units (CFU) in the spleen, femoral bone marrow and blood of Friend‐virus (FV)‐infected mice was determined at different times after virus infection, by the exogenous spleen colony assay. An increase in number occurred in the spleen, following the rise in the number of cells, and also in the blood, but not in the bone marrow. The fraction “f” of CFU which settle in the spleen of irradiated recipients was the same for bone marrow cells from normal or FV‐infected donors and slightly decreased in the case of spleen cells from infected mice. The total increase in the CFU compartment was estimated as being six‐fold, 30 days after virus infection.Cytological and histological investigations of the colonies developing in the spleen of irradiated recipients grafted with hematopoietic cells from FV‐infected donors indicated that the pattern of differentiation along erythrocytic, myelocytic and megakaryocytic lines appeared comparable to the pattern of differentiation observed in spleen colonies derived from the graft of normal hematopoietic cells.From these observations, it can be speculated that the CFU of FV‐infected mice behave as normal hematopoietic CFU, in terms of differentiation ability, in the spleens of isogeneic irradiated mice.