More Accurate Treatment of the Low-Energy Potential in the Strip Approximation

Both the tractability and the reliability of the Reggeized strip approximation are increased by normalizing the long-range part of the potential at zero energy. We make the decomposition V(t, s)=V(t, 0)+VR(t, s), where s is the energy squared and t is the negative square of momentum transfer, and then calculate the first part V(t, 0) from a low-t partial-wave expansion in the t reaction. The other part, VR(t, s), which vanishes at s=0 but which dominates at large s, continues to be calculated by the method of Chew and Jones from the leading crossed-reaction Regge trajectories. The normalization eliminates from the bootstrap calculation the need for accurate treatment of secondary trajectories that fail to reach J=0; normalization, in fact, amounts to a sum over all poles, and is useful because poles that remain in the left half of the J plane may have an important influence on the low-energy potential while being negligible at higher energies.