The scattering of two pseudoscalar mesons belonging to the octet representation of SU3 is studied in the framework of bootstrap dynamics. It is found that the leading Regge poles correspond to a singlet and two octet SU3 representations. The singlet state is unambiguously identified with the Pomeranchuk trajectory, and one of the octets corresponds to the well-known vector mesons. The other octet is composed of even-signature poles which are called P, Q, and R, and which, in a first approximation, coincide in position with the vector-meson trajectories. These poles are not likely to manifest themselves as low-mass particles or resonances because of their positive signature, but they are expected to influence appreciably high-energy scattering in the crossed channel. In particular, the P pole plays the role of the second vacuum trajectory proposed by Igi, and the R is suitable to explain, through an interference with the ρ pole, the sign, value, and high-energy dependence of the difference between total pp and np cross sections.