Genetic Differentiation of Piscivorous Chub (genus Opsariichthys) in Japan, Korea and Russia

A comparison of allozyme variation, restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the mitochondrial DNA and partial sequences of the ND II gene (496 bp) was made among two lacustrine populations of the piscivorous chub (Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris) in Japan, four fluvial populations in Korea, one lacustrine population in Russia and one specimen from the Amur River (O. u. amurensis). All analyses indicate that the Japanese populations of piscivorous chub are separable from the Asian mainland populations of Korea and Russia. The latter populations were further divided into the Korean and Russian fish. Although opinions are divided on the phylogenetic position of the population in Lake Mikata, Japan, which shows unique morphological traits intermediate between those of the population in Lake Biwa and the mainland populations, the current analysis indicates a closer relationship to the population in Lake Biwa.