The fully quantum-mechanical model of a single-mode laser is examined. A previously introduced method of solution where both the pump and loss reservoirs are treated simultaneously as a weak perturbation of the atom-light system is employed. This method is similar to perturbation theory for degenerate systems in that the reservoirs remove the nonuniqueness (degeneracy) of the steady state of the unperturbed atom-light system. In the limit of weak reservoir coupling, the exact steady-state solution of the master equation is derived. This solution still contains the atomic variables explicitly and therefore remains valid even in situations where the conventional adiabatic elimination of the atomic variables is no longer possible. A compact discrete representation of the master equation in terms of atomic occupation numbers and photon numbers is developed which allows one to perform all calculations in an elementary manner, requiring only appropriate summations over photon and occupation numbers. General exact relations are obtained for the steady-state probability distribution function p(n,m) to find n photons in the light field and m atoms in the excited state. Our solution constitutes the first steady-state laser distribution function that is valid for an arbitrary number of laser atoms and in the complete region from far below to far above threshold. It provides a quantitative criterion for the range of validity of approximate methods in laser theory.