This study has resulted in 3 equations relating P supply to the yield of transplanted tomatoes. The first is: log (100-y) = log 100 - (0.0093 b1 + 0.0044 x) (1) in which 100 represents the yield potential of a soil when P is not at all deficient, y is the expected percentage yield of tomatoes, b1 is the P soil test, and x is the lbs./acre of P applied as broadcast superphosphate and measured as P2O5. When P was included in the transplanting water at the rate of 7 lbs. of P2O5 per acre, the above relationship was modified as indicated by the 2d equation. [image] In equation 3, yd represents the percentage yield at the point of diminishing returns, P is the price per lb. of P2O5 in P fertilizer, V is the value of tomatoes in cents per lb., and A is the estimated max. yield in tons per acre.