L2L3NCoster-Kronig Transition Probabilities andL-Subshell Fluorescence Yields of Hg and Ta

The probability for the radiationless transfer of L2 vacancies to the L3 subshells of Hg and Ta has been measured directly, by observing the spectra of L x rays from Tl204 and W181 in coincidence with Kα2 x rays. The Lα component of the coincident spectrum provides a measure of the L2L3N Coster-Kronig transition probability, L2L3M transitions being energetically impossible in this region. The following values are found: for Hg, fL2L3=0.08±0.02; for Ta, fL2L3=0.20±0.04. The x-ray coincidence experiments show that the average number of x-ray quanta emitted after creation of a primary vacancy in the L2 subshell is νL2=0.42±0.02 for Hg and νL2=0.31±0.01 for Ta. Subshell fluorescence yields are found to be ωL2=0.39±0.03 and ωL3=0.40±0.02 for Hg; ωL2=0.25±0.02 and ωL3=0.27±0.01 for Ta.