Numerical classification of 80 strains received as Nocardia using 6 different sets of [biochemical] characters was carried out. A set of 57 differentiating characters gave 6 distinct clusters: N. farcinica, N. asteroides A, N. asteroides B, N. caviae, N. brasiliensis and Gordona lentifragmenta (formerly, N. rubra). The strains received as N. asteroides were divided into 3 subgroups, N. farcinica, N. asteroides A, and N. asteroides B. The cluster of G. lentifragmenta was placed apart from the others and a previous classification of this taxon as a species of Gordona was supported by the present study. The problem of a minimum number of differntiating characters necessary for numerical classification, which was considered theoretically as > 40 or 50, was studied experimentally. The results supported the theoretical considerations. Inclusion of linked characters reduced the number of clusters.

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