In order to discuss three-dimensional teleconnection in the zonally asymmetric height field during the Northern Hemisphere winter, the so-called one-point correlation map is used. In the map, the correlation coefficient between 700mb zonally asymmetric height at the base grid point and p-mb (p: pressure) zonally asymmetric height at every other grid point is computed, based on the data set of monthly mean height for 30 winter months (Decembers, Januarys and Februarys for the 10 winters 1969-70 through 1978-79). The discussion is mainly forcused on the case where the base grid point is (45°N, 135°E) at 700mb level over the northern part of Japan. The results show that there is a strong teleconnection in the troposphere between the northern part of Japan and the western part of Barents Sea (or the northern part of Norwegian Sea), and the 700mb zonally asymmetric height over the northern part of Japan is highly correlated in the negative sense with the 200mb zonally asymmetric height over the subtropical western Pacific Ocean. The teleconnection mentioned above is discussed in relation to the standing wave of geopotential height of zonal wave number 1 and this standing wave is examined as the response of a model atmosphere to forcing by topography and stationary heat sources in the atmosphere. The teleconnection with lag time in the zonally asymmetric height field and the zonally symmetric seesaw in the geopotential height field are also discussed.