A Monte Carlo computer program which takes into account both elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons has been set up. In the present paper the latter is limited to valence electron losses. These are described through three models: a modified form of the Lindhard dielectric function to take into account the energy gap, the plasmon-pole approximation to the dielectric function and the cross-sections for plasmon and single electron excitation simply joined at their intersection point. Calculations were performed for 100 keV electrons in silicon, with thickness varying from 850 to 2550 AA, i.e. from 1 to 3 total mean free paths. The first two models give practically the same results while the third one is not good enough. The effect of the thickness on the transmitted energy spectrum is analysed for the purpose of thickness determination. This analysis is extended to the complete energy-angle spectrum to discriminate between the effects of plural elastic and inelastic scattering in order to reconstruct the single inelastic scattering spectrum.