Fine structure of peptidergic and catecholaminergic nerve fibers in the anterior cerebral artery and their interrelationship: An immunoelectron microscopic study

This study shows (1) the ultrastructure of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)‐, substance P (SP)‐, and neuropeptide Y (NPY)‐containing nerve fibers in the walls of the cerebral arteries and (2) the relationship between these peptidergic (VIP, SP, and NPY) and catecholaminergic (CA) nerve terminals by immunohistochemistry combined with false transmitter (5‐hydroxydopamine) histochemistry under the electron microscope. VIP‐, SP‐, and NPY‐like immunoreactivity (VIPI, SPI, and NPYI) were found diffusely in the axoplasm and around the small clear vesicles in the nerve terminals. In a few cases, SPI was found within the large vesicles. Most of the VIPI terminals were ensheathed by the cytoplasm of the Schwann cells together with CA terminals, identified as those with a number of small granulated vesicles. In some cases, they were directly apposed to the smooth muscle cells at a distance of about 100 nm. SPI terminals were frequently solitary but about 30% were located together with CA and other (neither SPI nor CA) terminals ensheathed by Schwann cells, directly apposed to the smooth muscle cells at a distance of about 100 nm. On the other hand, NPYI terminals were also identified as CA terminals, indicating the coexistence of these two substances. These findings suggest a close interrelationship between peptidergic and CA nerve terminals in the neurogenic control of cerebral blood vessel function.