Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical characterization of submandibular duct cells in culture and modification of outgrowth differentiation by manipulation of calcium ion concentration

Summary The recognized need for epithelial cell culture models for cystic fibrosis (CF) research has resulted in ongoing efforts to improve normal and CF submandibular duct cell culture capabilities. The duct is most likely the site of the CF defect in this and other exocrine glands. In a previous report conditions required for the successful primary explant culture of normal and CF submandibular glands were outlined; however, terminal keratinization and involution of these cultures were recognized as severe limiting factors to their utilization in CF research. This report explores the effects of calcium concentrations in the medium, growth factor supplements, and matrix components on growth and differentiation of these cultures. Results of the study further confirm the ductal origin of cells in the outgrowth and demonstrate that progressive keratinization is initiated only after cells proliferate beyond the environment of the explant fragment. Keratinization with subsequent multilayering, desmosome formation, and involution in the cell outgrowth are governed in degree by the calcium concentration of the growth medium. Upon reduction of medium calcium to 0.1 mM concentration, the cells proliferate as a monolayer and subculture through 8 to 9 passages and retain the capacity to undergo ductlike differentiation.