A Y‐tube olfactometer was used to test the reactions of the hymenopteran cereal aphid parasitoids Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetski and A. ervi Haliday to odours from aphids and their host plants. Only females responded to aphids but both sexes responded to plant odours. A. uzbekistanicus responded to the cereal aphids Sitobion avenae (F.) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) whilst A. ervi, which has a broad host range, responded to M. dirhodum and the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Female A. uzbekistanicus responded to wheat leaves only but males responded to a range of plant material. Both male and female A. ervi responded to wheat and bean leaves. The failure of A. ervi to respond to either nettle aphids, Microlophium carnosum (Bukt.), or nettle leaves, despite its frequent parasitization of this aphid in the field, suggests the existence of more than one race of the parasitoid and casts doubts on the usefulness of alternative hosts as reservoirs for A. ervi in integrated control programmes. Males of both species responded to their respective females suggesting the presence of a sex specific attractant.