Approximation scheme for strongly coupled plasmas: Dynamical theory

The authors present a self-consistent approximation scheme for the calculation of the dynamical polarizability α(k,ω) at long wavelengths in strongly coupled one-component plasmas. Development of the scheme is carried out in two stages. The first stage follows the earlier Golden-Kalman-Silevitch (GKS) velocity-average approximation approach, but goes much further in its application of the nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation theorem to dynamical calculations. The result is the simple expression for α(k,ω), αGKS(k,ω)=αRPA(k,ω)[1+v(k,ω)], where the dynamical screening function v(k,ω) is expressed in terms of quadratic polarizabilities, and RPA stands for random-phase approximation. Its zero-frequency limit v(k,0) has already been established and analyzed in the earlier GKS work. At high frequency, αGKS (k,ω) exactly satisfies the 1ω4 moment sum rule. In the second stage, the above dynamical expression is made self-consistent at long wavelengths by postulating that a decomposition of the quadratic polarizabilities in terms of linear ones, which prevails in the k0 limit for weak coupling, can be relied upon as a paradigm for arbitrary coupling. The result is a relatively simple quadratic integral equation for α. Its evaluation in the weak-coupling limit and its comparison with known exact results in that limit reveal that almost all important correlational and long-time effects are reproduced by our theory with very good numerical accuracy over the entire frequency range; the only significant defect of the approximation seems to be the absence of the "dominant" γlnγ1 (γ is the plasma parameter) contribution to Im α(k,ω).