Mass and beta decay ofSi34

Si34 has been produced via the O18(O18, 2p)Si34 reaction at 32 MeV beam energy. Identification is made from the observed γ rays of energies 429.07(13) and 1607.56(50) keV, which agree with the known excitation energies of the first two excited states of P34, and from the cascade 1178.52(16)-keV transition. The three γ rays decay with a common half-life of 2.77 ± 0.20 sec. Relative γ-ray intensities indicate a 100% β-ray branch to the 1608-keV level, and the γ-ray branches of that level are determined. No information is obtained on a possible Si34 ground-state β-ray branch. From analysis of the β-ray energy spectrum, a mass excess of - 19850 ± 300 keV is determined for Si34. Comparison with theoretical mass predictions is made.