DNA Radiolysis by Fast Neutrons. II. Oxygen, Thiols and Ionic Strength Effects

Plasmid DNA was irradiated with fast neutrons, and the protection by cysteamine against strand breakage (ssb and dsb) was evaluated in the presence and absence of oxygen. In the absence of cysteamine no radiosensitizing effect of oxygen was observed. In anoxia the protection factors, PF(ssb) and PF(dsb) of 1 mm cysteamine (in 50 mm potassium phosphate solution) were lower than the PFs observed with γ-irradiation. The results agree with the radical repair model, in which the thiol competes with the oxygen produced inside the anoxic neutron-irradiated system, according to the ‘oxygen-in-the-track’ hypothesis. At low ionic strength in air-saturated solutions, positively charged cysteamine protects more efficiently than negatively charged thiolactate. The dependence of the PFs on the charge of the thiol can be explained by the condensation of counter-ions and depletion of co-ions around DNA, predicted by Manning's theory. Based on the same theory, we propose here an explanation of the ionic strength dependence of the PF values. Protection by cysteamine at high ionic strength or by thiolactate at low ionic strength is largely due to scavenging of OH· radicals in the bulk solution. At low ionic strength the PF(ssb) of cysteamine is higher for neutrons than for γ-irradiation. This might suggest different primary lesions for the two types of irradiation.