Lysin production by øC2(W), a prolate phage forStreptococcus lactisC2

SUMMARY: A bacteriophage, øC2(W), which attackedStreptococcus lactisstrains C2, ML3 and 712, is described. It had a prolate head and a non-contractile tail and produced large haloes around plaques. Infection of eight paired-strain cultures, each containingStr.lactisC2, with øC2(W) resulted in marked inhibition of acid production for six cultures. Direct phage–nonhomologous ‘host’ contact was not required for inhibition. Lysates of øC2(W) contained a phage-induced lysin. Evidence is presented that the inhibitory effect of øC2(W) against paired and multi-strain cultures is due to the lysis of phage-insensitive strains by phage lysin. An isometric phage, ø712, was shown not to produce such a lysin.