Pattern of therapeutic intervention and role of psychiatric settings: A survey in two regions of Italy

ABSTRACT— A survey of therapeutic intervention was conducted on 1513 patients treated in different psychiatric settings‐psychiatric hospitals (PH), private facilities (PF), community mental health centers (CMHC) and psychiatric wards in general hospitals (PWGH). Psychotropic drugs, mainly neuroleptics and benzodiazepines, were widely prescribed irrespective of diagnosis, and 39% of patients treated with neuroleptics received two or more drugs. Psychotherapeutic intervention and social measures were administered in 21% and 20% of cases respectively, and 17% of patients received no treatment. The observed distribution of treatments over settings was compared with the expected one under the hypothesis that the two factors were independent. Differences between settings in therapeutic strategies, after adjustment for possible confounders (sex, age, education, diagnosis) were: no specific treatment was more than expected in PH and largely below unity in PF and PWGH, where treatment with psychotropic drugs alone was overrepresented; CMHC showed the most balanced therapeutic approach.