New combination for the therapy of canine otitis externa I Microbiology of otitis externa

In order to compound a new drug comblnatlon agalnst canlne otitis externa (OE), 515 dogs affected wlth OE were subjected to physical examlnatlon and mlcroblologlcal analysis of their ear exudates. OE was erythematous-cerumlnous In 83 per cent and suppurative In 17 per cent of the patlent material. Erythematous-cerumlnous lnflammatlons were characterlsed by severe prurltus and accumulatlon of brownlsh, greasy cerumen In the audltory canal. The yeast Malassezla jmchydermat/s was Isolated from the ears of 76 per cent of the dogs, often In comblnatlon wlth Staphylococcus lntermedlus bacterla. M pachydermatls showed the most sensltlvlty, In decreasing order of efflcacy, to ketoconazole, econazole, clotrlmazole, mlconazole and nystatln. S lntermedlus Isolates were most sensltlve to amoxyclllln-clavulanlc acld, enrofloxacln, cephalexln and gentamlcln. The mlcroorganlsm most frequently Isolatcbd from dogs wlth suppurative OE was Pseudomonas aewglnosa; In some cases Proteus, Streptococcus and Pasteurella were also Isolated. The P aeruglnosa Isolates showed the highest sensltlvlty to gentamlcln, polymyxln B and tobramycln.