F+andFCenters in Magnesium Oxide

Single crystals of MgO have been additively colored by heating them in Mg vapor at temperatures from 1600 to 1800°C and pressures up to 4000 Torr. The F+ and F optical absorption bands (due to anion vacancies containing one and two electrons, respectively) were observed to be extremely similar but distinguishable, and were observed at liquid-nitrogen temperature to peak at 4.96 and 5.03 eV, respectively. The oscillator strength for the F center is estimated to be 0.70±0.05. A photoconversion process F+F was studied. The luminescence bands for these centers were observed at 3.1 and 2.4 eV, respectively. The density of F centers NF produced by the additive coloring process was observed to be related to the density of atoms in the vapor NMg by the equation NF=1270NMgeQkT, where Q=1.53 eV. The temperature dependence of these two bands was measured and is discussed.