Epidermoid carcinoma arising in a pilonidal sinus

Summary and Conclusions The seventeenth case of epidermoid carcinoma arising in a pilonidal sinus is presented. Treatment and results of reported cases are reviewed. For the sake of completeness, four additional cases of unspecified types of pilonidal cancer are included. A review of all reported cases indicates that: 1) Distant metastasis occurs with about the same frequency as with epidermoid carcinoma arising in antecedent benign lesions elsewhere in the body; 2) Local treatment should consist of wide surgical removal. Irradiation by x-ray is helpful in controlling nonresectable disease; and 3) The inguinal lymph nodes should be the object of careful clinical evaluation in every patient and probably should be biopsied in all cases. The presence of positive nodes is an indication for radical groin dissection unless distant, noncurable metastasis can be demonstrated.

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