Computerized evaporimetry using the DermaLab® TEWL probe

Background/aims: TEWL measurements are one of the most frequently utilized of the non‐invasive bioengineering techniques. We wanted to enhance the reproducibility and sensitivity of this method by employing computerized evaporimetry.Methods: A DermaLab® system equipped with one or two TEWL probes was interfaced to a personal computer (PC) via the RS‐232c port and special data acquisition software written so that changes in water loss rates could be monitored in real time. Application programs included TEWL measurements under steadystate or dynamic conditions using single or dual probe instruments as well as diagnostics to determine probe condition. Retrospective analysis could be performed by exporting the captured data to an ExcelTM spread sheet.Conclusions: Computerized evaporimetry, which allows the operator to conveniently monitor evaporative water loss rates in real time, should be the preferred way of making these types of measurements.