The Relative Biological Effectiveness of 670 MeV/A Neon as a Function of Depth in Water for a Tissue Model

Linear energy transfer (LET.infin.) spectra of identified charge fragments and primaries, produced by nuclear interactions of 670 MeV/A neon in water, were measured along the unmodulated Bragg curve of the neon beam. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for spermatogonial cell killing, as reported on the basis of weight loss assay of mouse testes irradiated with beams of approximately constant single LET.infin., were summed over the particle LET.infin. spectra to obtain an effective RBE for each charged-particle species, as a function of water absorber thickness. The resultant values of effective RBE were combined to obtain an effective RBE for the mixed radiation field. The RBE calculated in this way was compared with experimental RBEs obtained for spermatogonial cell killing in the mixed radiation field produced by neon ions traversing a thick water absorber. Discrepancies of 10-40% were observed between the calculated RBE and the RBE measured in the mixed radiation field. Part of this discrepancy can be attributed to undetected low-Z fragments, whose contribution is not included in the calculation, leading to an overestimated value for the calculated RBE. On the other hand, calculated values 10% greater than the measured RBE are explained as track structure effects due to the higher radial ionization density near neon tracks relative to the ionization density near the silicon tracks used to fit the RBE vs LET.infin. data.