Study of exclusive charmless semileptonicBdecays and extraction of|Vub|at CLEO

We have studied semileptonic B decay to the exclusive charmless states π, ρ/ω, η and η using the full 15.5fb1 CLEO Υ(4S) sample, with measurements performed in subregions of phase space to minimize dependence on a priori knowledge of the form factors involved. We find total branching fractions B(B0π+ν)=(1.37±0.15stat±0.11sys)×104 and B(B0ρ+ν)=(2.93±0.37stat±0.37sys)×104. We find evidence for B+η+ν, with B(B+η+ν)=(2.66±±0.80stat±0.56sys)×104 and 1.20×104<B(B+η+ν)<4.46×104 (90% CL). We also limit B(B+η+ν)<1.01×104 (90% CL). By combining our Bπν information with unquenched lattice calculations, we find |Vub|=(3.6±0.4stat±0.2sys0.4thy+0.6)×103.