Evaluation of metabolic heterogeneity in brain tumors using1H-chemical shift imaging method

Seventeen brain tumors were measured by 1H-CSI (chemical shift imaging) in a 1.5 T clinical magnetic resonance scanner. The metabolic peaks obtained were evaluated by two methods. One method was to obtain the percentage of each metabolite relative to the combined choline, creatine and NAA peak areas, and the other method was to obtain a ratio of the tumor to contralateral brain. The percentage of choline (%Cho) and choline ratio increased, and the %NAA and NAA ratio decreased in the gliomas and malignant tumors. In relation to grading, %Cho increased but the choline ratio did not. We believed the reason for this was that there were many foci of microscopic necrosis in the glioma grade IV. Free lipids were observed in most of the high grade gliomas and in a malignant tumor. Lactate increased in higher grade tumors. Meningiomas showed the highest %Cho. Statistical differences between the grades of glioma were not detected because many tumors had heterogeneous tissue. One resolution to this problem was metabolite mapping. Mapping of the percentage of metabolites was suitable because it described the regional metabolic changes and the resulting signal to noise ratio was better than that achieved by other methods of evaluation.