Charge Exchange Cross Sections of Hydrogen Particles in Gases at High Energies

Measurements are reported of the cross section for electron loss (σ01) and electron capture (σ10) for hydrogen atoms and ions traversing gases of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and argon. The kinetic energy of the particles was from 250 kev-1 Mev. Cross sections for electron loss were determined by measuring the attenuation of a neutral monatomic hydrogen beam in a gas cell in which a transverse electric field was present. The cross section for electron capture was measured by determining the fraction of the beam in each charge state after passing through a "thick" gas target. The fraction of the neutral component to the charge-one component is equal to the ratio of the cross sections for electron capture to electron loss. The velocity dependence of the cross section does not follow a strict power law. In hydrogen the cross section decreases approximately as v10, while for heavier target gases the velocity dependence is smaller, being v3.7 for argon at energies greater than 500 kev. The electron loss cross section has a 1v2 dependence for gases of hydrogen and helium and a 1v dependence for nitrogen and argon target gases.