Computer-assisted neurosurgery by using a noninvasive vacuum-affixed dental cast that acts as a reference base: another step toward a unified approach in the treatment of brain tumors

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of the Vogele-Bale-Hohner (VBH) mouthpiece, which is attached to the patient's upper jaw by negative pressure, for patient-image registration and for tracking the patient's head during image-guided neurosurgery. A dynamic reference frame (DRF) is reproducibly mounted on the mouthpiece. Reference points, optimally distributed and attached to the mouthpiece, are used for registration in the patient's absence on the day before surgery. In the operating room, the mouthpiece and DRF are precisely repositioned using a vacuum, and the patient's anatomical structures are automatically registered to corresponding ones on the image. Experimental studies and clinical experiences in 10 patients confirmed repeated (rigid body) localization accuracy in the range of 0 to 2 mm, throughout the entire surgery despite movements by the patient. Because of its noninvasive, rigid, reliable, and reproducible connection to the patient's head, the VBH vacuum-affixed mouthpiece grants the registration device an accuracy comparable to invasive fiducial markers.