Evidence for a new meson: A quasinuclearNN¯bound state?

We report evidence for an isoscalar state X(1110), observed via p¯n→ρ+X (→π+ π) in p¯d annihilations at rest, of mass and width 1107±4 MeV/c2 and 111±8 (statistical)±15 (systematic) MeV/c2, respectively. The product branching ratio B(p¯n→ρX)B(X →2π)=(3.6±0.5)% and JPC(IG )=0++ (0+), 2++ (0+),. . . . As a 0++ the X(1110) would be a candidate for the ground P013 state of the I=0 natural-parity band of quasinuclear NN¯ states with the ζ(1480) being the P213 13 F2. This interpretation predicts masses for the member states S113 13 D1 and D313 13 G3 of 1240 and 1850 MeV/c2, respectively. Evidence for the S113 13 D1 is discussed.