Electrical properties, such as dielectric, resistive, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties, of bismuth layer‐structured ferroelectrics (BLSF) are studied on grain orientation prepared by the hot‐forging (H.F.) method. The BLSF compound which can stand the high temperature poling process is Pb(1−x) (NaCe)x/2 Bi4Ti4O15 (PNC‐100x) consisting of PbBi4Ti4O15 modified by partial substitution of (NaCe)1/2 for Pb. The effects of the solid solution introduced on piezoelectric properties are mentioned. The piezoelectrically activated PNC solid solution has a larger value of electromechanical coupling factors kt and k33 than those of nonmodified samples. The grain orientation makes the piezoelectric properties of BLSF ceramics much more pronounced than those of the nonoriented ceramics. Coupling factor k33 along with piezoelectric constants d33 and g33 of H.F. PNC ceramics are enhanced and their anisotropies in k33/k31, d33/d31, and g33/g31 are emphasized.