The (Fe,Nb )Nb2Se10 family : resistivity and magnetic measurements

The physical properties (electric and magnetic) of (FeNb)Nb2Se 10, (Fe, V, Nb)Nb2Se10, (Cr, Nb) Nb2Se 10 and (Fe, Ta, Nb) (Nb, Ta)Se10 are reported and a discussion is given in relation to their structural type. These four compounds exhibit two types of chains within the unit cell, running in a direction parallel to the monoclinic b axis (FeNb3Se 10 structural type) : a trigonal prismatic chain (NbSe3 like) where C.D.W.'s occurs at low temperature (as example FeNb3Se 10), and an octahedral chain along which the disorder of the distribution of metallic atoms seems to be a key factor governing the transport properties; indeed, it creates a random potential causing the localization of the conduction electrons