The effect of short-term high temperature on the expression of self-incompatibility was studied in detached flowers of Brassica oleracea, B. campestris and Raphanus sativus. The expression of self-incompatibility was repressed by treatment of pistils at 40 °C for 15 minutes. Treatment at 50 °C repressed self-incompatibility but it also disturbed pollen tube elongation into stylar tissue. S-glycoproteins did not show any quantitative changes during the intact pistil treatment under 50 °C. Callose was occasionally found in the treated papilla where the self pollen tube penetrated. The repressing effect of the 40 °C treatment was found to be reversible, and this reversibility depended upon the environmental temperature of plant. Plants grown at 15/5 °C (day/night temperature) completely recovered self-incompatibility 2 h after treatment, while those grown at 20/10°, 25/15 °C did not. The reversibility of the expression of self-incompatibility correlated with the distortion of plasma membrane in the papilla. It is considered that high temperature affects the pollen tube penetration system in pistils rather than the recognition system between pistils and pollen. The treatment of dehiscing anthers at 40 °C killed the pollen.