The oriented growth of GaAs, GaP, InAs and GaInAs whiskers on the same (GaAs, GaP) or different (InAs/GaAs, GaInAs/GaAs) substrates was studied. A detailed morphological study of GaAs whiskers on polar A(III), B(111) and non‐polar (001), (011) substrates was performed. The growth conditions for ordered (perpendicular to substrate) growth on the A(111) and B(111) faces were determined. There were found discrete spectra of whisker systems on all substrates with the preferential growth of “arsenic” B{111} faces. The dependence of the growth rate on the whisker diameter is typical for the vapour‐liquid‐solid (VLS) mechanism and is used for the determination of kinetic coefficients for polar faces. There was observed a periodic instability in growth of InAs and GaInAs whiskers.