Quantitative Serological Determination of Antibody Formation in X-Irradiated Rabbits

Summary: Four hundred roentgen whole body X-irradiation inhibited the primary antibody response of rabbits when exposure occurred 24 hours before the injection of crystalline egg albumin emulsified in Freund's adjuvant. Even though the antigen was administered with adjuvant, which presumably permitted a prolonged, slow antigenic stimulation, the response of the irradiated animals never equaled that of the non-irradiated animals even after 27 weeks when recovery from radiation injury could be presumed to have occurred. However, a secondary rise in antibody nitrogen did occur in 3 out of 5 rabbits 14 to 23 weeks after immunization. Exposure to X-irradiation 24 hours prior to the administration of a second injection of antigen had no effect on the specific anamnestic reaction.