Primary fixation in osmium-potassium ferrocyanide: the staining of glycogen, glycoproteins, elastin, an intranuclear reticular structure, and intercisternal trabeculae.

Primary fixation in an osmium-potassium ferrocyanide (K4Fe(CN)6) mixture combines selective fixation, staining, and extraction of various cellular components; membranes, glycogen, glycoproteins, and elastin are preserved and stained. An intranuclear reticular structure that is composed of 3-6 nm fibers and permeates the entire nucleus, except for the nuclear pores, is demonstrated by electron microscopic examination of tissues prepared in an osmium-potassium ferrocyanide fixative. Condensations of the reticulum parallel the distribution of heterochromatin in interphase nuclei. This preparative procedure also reveals a network of trabeculae that are associated with the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and connect the parallel cisternae in hepatocytes, plasmacytes, neurons, and pancreatic ancinar cells. The intercisternal trabeculae are associated with both free and bound ribosomes.