Desoxycor-ticosterone, in concns. of 5 mg./100 ml. or above, inhibits the glycogen formation of the isolated diaphragm of normal rats in the presence of 200 mg. glucose and 1 I.U. insulin/100 ml. Desoxycorticosterone also inhibits that part of the glucose uptake which corresponds to the glycogen formation. About half of the original glucose uptake remains unaffected. 11-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosterone (compound E) decreases glycogen formation only about 1/3 as much as desoxycorticosterone, and the effect on glucose uptake is variable. Small doses of DOC or of compound E which have no inhibitory action on glycogen formation cause a very slight increase of glycogen production in normal and also in adrenalectomized animals, but this effect is so small that it cannot be considered significant. Possible ways are discussed of correlating the different activities of these corticosteroids on the carbohydrate metabolism of isolated muscle with their different activities in the intact animal.