Spectroscopy of 1f2p Nuclei with Direct (d, α) and (d, p) Reactions. I. Cu66 and Ni61

Zn68(d, α)Cu66 and Cu65(d, p)Cu66 angular distributions have been measured for deuteron energies of 12 MeV. The reaction products were magnetically analyzed, and the resolutions obtained were 11-12 keV for (d, α) and 8 keV for (d, p) reactions. Angular momentum transfers Ld,α and ld,p for the transitions were obtained by comparison with distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations. Level energies, Jπ values or narrow limits for Jπ, and (d, p) spectroscopic factors could be determined for about 65 Cu66 levels below 3-MeV excitation. The reaction Cu63(d, α)Ni61 was investigated as a function of deuteron energy, 10.5Ed12.5 MeV, in order to support the assumption that (d, α) reactions in this mass and energy range proceed by a direct transfer mechanism. A high-resolution Cu63(d, α)Ni61 spectrum and excitation functions for five well-resolved Ni61 levels are presented. It is found that (d, α) cross-section fluctuations do not exceed counting statistics (<15%). The reported DWBA calculations follow current DWBA theories, without arbitrary parameters or cutoffs; and include corrections for finite range and nonlocality effects. Microscopic form factors based on finite-well single-particle wave functions were used for the Zn68(d, α)Cu66 calculations. Very good agreement with experimental (d, α) angular distributions was found if α potentials characterized by a real well with r01.4 F, V160 MeV were used. Shallower and deeper α-potential families which fitted elastic α scattering equally well were found to lead to quantitative and qualitative disagreement with experiment.