Binding of Basic Drugs to Rat Lung Mitochondria

The role of the mitochondria in the accumulation of basic amine drugs in the rat lung was studied. Drug binding to the mitochondria was rapid and reached maximum levels after 2.5 min of incubation. Lipophilic basic drugs accumulated in the mitochondria more than nonlipophilic basic drugs and non-basic drugs, and the accumulation was dose dependent. Schatchard plots revealed at least two independent sets of binding sites for basic drugs in the mitochondria. The binding was competitively inhibited by other basic drugs but not nonbasic drugs. The degree of inhibition by competing basic drugs was correlated with their lipid solubilities. These findings with isolated mitochondria agree with previous results obtained with the perfused lung preparation and indicate that the mitochondria play an important role in the accumulation of basic drugs in the lung.