P50 and acoustic startle gating are not related in healthy participants

Although P50 event-related potential (ERP) suppression and acoustic startle prepulse inhibition are conceptualized as measures of sensory and sensorimotor gating, respectively, the relationship between these measures is unclear. In the present study, P50 and prepulse inhibition trials were interleaved in a single testing session to determine their relationship. Thirty-one healthy participants were presented with startle- and P50-eliciting stimuli across six trial blocks. Lead stimuli (i.e., the prepulse to the acoustic startle and the first click in the dual click ERP paradigm) resulted in significant gating, or amplitude attenuation, of responses to the startle probe and second paired click. There were no meaningful correlations between the P50 and prepulse inhibition variables, indicating that P50 suppression and acoustic startle prepulse inhibition measure distinct neural mechanisms. The implications of these findings for operationally defining the psychological construct of gating with these psychophysiological measures are discussed.