Existence of α-cluster structure inTi44via the(6Li,d) reaction

α-cluster states in Ti44 have been investigated in the Ca40 (6Li,d)44Ti reaction at E=50 MeV. The angular distributions of 34 levels at excitation energies for Ex=0–13 MeV allow us to analyze the data. The angular distributions of positive-parity members of the ground-state band (the Kπ=0+ band) in Ti44 were well reproduced by the finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations up to the transferred angular momentum of L=8. For the members of the negative-parity band (the Kπ=0 band) with the primary quantum number N=13, three levels at 6.22, 7.34, and 9.43 MeV were identified as the 1, 3, and 5 states, respectively. The existence of a negative-parity band in Ti44 has been investigated for a long time and persistently gives considerable support to α-cluster models for nuclei heavier than A=40.