The formation and breakup of NO+⋅N2 clusters in N2 at low temperatures

Drift tube–mass spectrometer apparatus have been used to determine the equilibrium constant K and the forward rate coefficient k+ for the clustering reaction NO++N2+N2?NO+⋅N2+N2. The values of K are 2×10−16, 1.5×10−18, and ?5×10−19 cm3 at 130, 180, and 220 K, respectively, with an estimated uncertainty of ∼50%. The values of k+ are 8×10−30 and ?10−30 cm6/sec at 130 and 220 K, respectively, with an estimated uncertainty of ∼30%. The energy of the NO+–N2 bond deduced from the equilibrium constant data is Eb=0.18±0.02 eV. These results are compared with other measurements, and implications for proposed D‐region reaction paths linking NO+ and H3O+⋅ (H2O)n ions are discussed.