Mycobactin, a growth factor for Mycobacterium johnei. 1. Isolation from Mycobacterium phlei

Methods for large-scale production of Mycobacterium phlei are descr. The organism contains large amts. of growth factor for Myco. johnei when grown on media made from beef, but not on other media. A method for the assay of the growth factor is descr. The factor was isolated as a crystalline aluminum complex and also in an amorphous metal-free form. The name "mycobactin" is suggested for the compound. Mycobactin is a hitherto undescr. compound. Evidence in support of the empirical formula C47H75O10N5 is given. General properties of mycobactin and of a number of its derivatives are given. The concn. of mycobactin in living Myco. phlei grown on beef infusion medium is estimated to be about 3 mg./g. Opt. growth of Myco. johnei is promoted by the presence of 40-80 [mu]g; mycopactin/ml. of medium.