Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein‐A: Interaction with Heparin in Crossed Affinity lmmunoelectrophoresis

A specific interaction between pregnancy associated plasma protein‐A (PAPP‐A) arid heparin has been demonstrated using heparin affinity crossed immuno electrophoresis applied to late pregnancy serum. The presence of heparin in the first dimensional gel accelerated the anodic migration of six serum proteins with β electrophoretic mobility and one protein in the α mobile region. Two of the six β mobile proteins were identified as anti‐thrombin III and β lipoprotein, the α mobile protein being PAPP‐A. The migration distance of other proteins originating in the placenta (pregnancy specific β1 glycoprotein), fetus (alpha‐fetoprotein). leucocytes (pregnancy zone protein), or maternal liver (α1 antitrypsin α2macroglobulin) was not altered. The interaction of PAPP‐A with heparin was therefore independent of Molecular size, charge, and site of origin indicating a specific high affinity interaction between PAPP‐A and heparin. These results indicate that PAPP‐A may be involved locally with the coagulation system in the maintenance of placental circulation.